Hyundai i30
F: Hyundai i30 (autoblog)
SEOUL - Hyundai car manufacturers continue flag flying in the European market. This is evidenced by the number of cars sold inEurope which reached 5 million units. Achieving the number 5 millionunits indicated by the first product launch i30 in 2007 silam.Hyundai firstwalked the European market in 1977 by importing one of the variantsnamely Hyundai Pony. Manufacturers from South Korea will take timelong enough to penetrate the number penjulan one million units. Thesales figure was achieved only when entering the year 1996.
Sales of Hyundai products continue to increase. In 2001 sales reachedtwo million units. Lapse of the next four years sales figure reach threemillion units and the number of four million units achieved in 2008."Reaching five million sales figure is a remarkable achievement forHyundai and it's a sign we became one of the major players in theworld car market is highly competitive, "said Senior Vice President andCOO of Hyundai Motor Europe, Allan Rushforth.
"We plan to further sales growth during 2011 we can achieve sebasar 3 percent market share in Europe." tambahnya.i30 be Hyundai's flagship product as designed and working to attract European consumers'tastes. Also i30 is a product that actually built in Europe since the firstplant of Hyundai in Europe, precisely in Nosovise,

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