JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Coinciding with the opening of the IIMs, PTIndomobil Suzuki Sales (SIS) launched the new Swift GT3. Birthhatchback that could be considered "facelift" is, according to MarketingDirector, Suzuki Sales Indonesia Endro Nugroho stems from a test drive in Yogyakarta. Apparently, in the City enthusiasts GT3 Gudegmembludak.Endro expect the same interests is also achieved in the arena of IIMS 2010 in JIExpo Kemayoran, July 23 to August 1 next.Who knows culminate in a purchase.Endro asserted, GT3 still carries the characteristics of modern andstylish.
"Swift is basically all about the times. We aim at younger children who really like the style. That character brand Suzuki Swift witha sporty design of the front tires will be interesting," he said. Tagline"Stylebreaker" reinforce the GT3 is targeting urban youth. The difference with the previous Swift series looks at the exterior. Such asbody kit, front bumper with fog lamps & LID, rear combination lamp, rear diffuser, muffler extensions, and the alloy wheel that makes it look very modern and sporty-style.Suzuki models still retain Pedestrian Protection on front bumper so as not to endanger pedestrians in the event of tabrakan.Endro say, forGT3 targeted 1,200 units by the end of 2010. That is, each month, 200 units of Suzuki optimistic. "We believe the first three months will indent,"he said.
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